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Make sure to use a high level of compression for your images if you plan to have several galleries: this will prevent slowing down too much the loading of the page.

We are presenting here an example of how to show several galleries in the same position with event-actions by clicking on buttons:


Multiple galleries

Multiple galleries example

1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -


Create the galleries and corresponding buttons and line them up properly.

Set the first gallery to be visible at start (Yes) and all the others not (No): in the gallery property windows/Options or in the property grid under the list of elements

Add an event-action on the first button such that: 'When the button 1 is clicked' Gallery 1 'is shown' + 'When the button 1 is clicked' all other galleries 'are hidden'

Repeat for all the other buttons:

ex.: Button 2 shows Gallery 2, hides galleries 1 & 3; etc.

Click on the buttons to show the corresponding gallery :




Download the actual project for this tutorial and see for yourself how the buttons and galleries were configured: